Macho Meal Randy Sandwich


Exactly. By the same token if it wasn't for prohibition, Sinfully Seductive Salted Caramel Whipped Dreamsicle Vodka could have debuted a full 13 years earlier.

It's a good time to remake anything from the 30s.

That's because yoga mats are made out of chemtrails which are more addictive than heroin

It's actually truffle infused squid ink. Which is a new signature series flavor of Sharpie

Ah yes, chicken, Veggie Of The Air In Short Bursts

Bacon Crayons, Oven Modems and Knack Knicks

I hit a mcdonalds in search of the mega big mac with the quarter pounder patties and they were already discontinued .

It was what, 3 years after galaxy 2? 2 years?

Can I give an extra upvote for "childs"?

Arizona Ron does not approve

No "N*ggas Bleed"?

Enter the Huell

It did help him. He welcomed it because it strengthened his bullshit anti establishment message.

I agree. If he wasnt running a "terrible campaign " he would have lost.

I agree in general but a better strategy applied in better places should have won her the election anyway

There are city blocks in the NYC area with more people than multiple virginia counties combined. And thats Virginia. We actually have a lot of people.

For sure. The rural poor are way blacker than coastal dems seem to realize too. It isnt rare that you see someone act like the South is a black free zone. Insanity.

At least the Russians are low key.

I say that, but i am also in awe of Trumps campaign. I hope someone writes a good book on it. I would love to know how much of his apparent craziness was part of a strategy.