Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

You know what now I've calmed down a bit and I agree. You might even have a legal case. There has to be a court somewhere that could determine the earning potential you lost when Leslie Jones viciously ripped away any possibility of you getting up to several several dozens of followers via Leslie Jones retweeting you

Wait that's your whole argument for why you don't care that people maliciously broke into her personal information and posted it on the internet?

I agree with you, but I think it's possible to disapprove of what somebody did to a person while also not particularly feeling any sympathy

Don't Feed The Trolls Case File #99999999999999

The weapon chemical!

Roger Waters?

Also really strange to think of Charlottesville VA, home to one of the - I dunno- 5 best?-public universities in the country being used as an example of a place where people don't get acquainted with progressive ideals

Hrm. Thought I'd like this special a lot more than I did. Seemed really superficial. Will check out the next one anyway

Would anyone be mad if all the members of Hot Chip joined this show?

Is this a reddit atheist parody account?

Ranch dressing powder is a secret weapon in a lot of good things

To be fair, all true Apartmentheads saw it 12 times in a row opening day

I wonder how many meetings they had to determine if "Ship Trip" was better

He's pretty awesome when he is on Improv 4 Humans.

It's not always that disconcerting but either certain hairstyles or colors or something can take her from flaming hot cheetoes to grotesquely mild baby tostitos and nobody on her team seems to know how to avoid it

Decently enjoyable. It might only work for me because I avoid these kind of movies like the plague. Serves me well I guess. I saw Juno for the first time a few months ago and thought it was delightful

I'm currently half watching this, I can't remember any music

There's way too many movies, books and albums in the world for this to be a real strategy.

Dario Saric is going to get assassinated by a guy with a Ron Hextall tattoo

Man the Al Capone things still crazy. I miss the decade or two where it had relegated Geraldo to daytime talk shows with paternity tests. He was solid at that