Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Pretty sure if you get in a fight you can just leave it on that screen indefinitely

Hydrox is fucking gross. Stop it. Like maggots in my mouth

"Ekans" almost made me give up. Really?

I can't stop thinking about how much fun this whole thing would be if it was Adventure Time or Star Wars or the Simpsons or something

Kathy Bates does have some great moments in there, forgot about that

The exact moment Sandler lost whatever mojo he had was when he saw Tropic Thunder
"He's right! I should have never gone full retard!"

Come to my crawlspace when the moon is high and I'll prove you wrong. I have popcorn.

We are all shitasses

All you have to do is a side bend and a situp and Rumplesmoothskin will return your penis

Pray and pray for my downfall

I'm the Highway man!

I'm the highwayman

During the purge you too can blow me where the pampers is

I can't stop laughing at this ending with I'm Afraid of Americans!

Sundiata Gaines the d league player who pooped up in the NBA for like a week and had a few huge moments?

I really wish William S was the Burroughs behind this


Yea I don't know anything about it either, but in general it always bugs me when people automatically assume anything in a first person voice is supposed to represent the writers true feelings and life.

He has literally the greatest army in Westeros right now.

She looked sour when Mormont called him king the first time. Then she seemed to accept it