yeah, you’re right, this is definitely not a world in which Gamer Gate is relevant at all anymore, gooooooood catch.
I think the world has passed on with the Game of Thrones universe. Especially after you originally shit the bed with that final season.
I wonder if there’s just less appetite for more content from the GoT universe, given the largely negative reaction to the end of the show. HBO was clearly thinking that people would be desperate for more GoT and wanted to make sure they could satisfy that craving, but now they’re realizing if they bring forth more GoT…
Because he’s an actual leftist and they share the same anticapitalist values.
If the media should stop giving Trump surrogates a platform, it should also stop giving free advertisement (in the form of non-affiliated news articles) to companies which support autocratic regimes. This family of sites is supposed to speak truth to power. The only thing you added that couldn’t be found in Blizzard’s…
Speaking of Arrested Development, Season 5 part 2 aired early this year and I somehow missed this event had even happened until about three months later - was there absolutely no fanfare about it whatsoever or was I just under a rock?
“It was so easy to be bipartisan when were just two sides of the same rich, white male coin.”
All I need to know about Coons is that he’s a pro-corporate errand boy whose only purpose is to do the bidding of corporations, usually at the expense of the working class.
“Senator Coons’ lamentation is that history may judge that there are too many people currently serving in Congress who are dismissive of new and diverse voices.”
I have no interest in meeting a party full of willfully ignorant nihilists halfway on pretty much anything.
I repeat, primary this motherfucker.
Is it just me or does Chris Coons look like the unholy union between Neil Patrick Harris and David Koechner?
I didn’t expect this to be so explicit.
#2 political wish beyond the Presidential election is Primarying this asshole.
I’m afraid my party is about to undertake the same kind of purity-driven exercise
What a wholly unlikeable group of characters is a painfully unfunny program.
Oh, it’s real.
I’d rather be watching the show about pirate snake lady.
Whenever Bialik makes decisions like this I have to be skeptical of her IQ claims.