
The media is the major source of false equivalency ideology among voters. We have people seeing Trump, and then hearing about emails, and immediately parroting "Well, both sides are bad!" like some kind of brilliant and very edgy observation they just came up with.

Yup! They have good ideas (and some really awful ones like being anti-vaccine and spreading around mistruths about wi-fi cooking brains or whatever). However, they need to actually do the work to be accepted.

They vote enough that ignoring them completely is foolish.

That's actually pretty true, but a Democrat president can surely help a lot more than a Republican one.

Look at individual state polls, and Clinton's sizable built-in lead in the electoral college by virtue of being a Democrat. Her victory is not 100% assured, but it is very likely.

Be afraid at the slight possibility and be afraid that he has as much support as he does. Win or lose, he represents something terrible. Use the fear to motivate you to prevent even a fraction of a percent chance of a Trump administration.

Wealthy people help their kids get ahead?! I'm going to have to report these findings to Tiffany "Like a Bird Like a Bird Like a Bird" Trump!

I love Sanders and have for many years. I really doubt he would've done better though. Frankly, I think he's too civil to deal with Trump. He's too good for this world.

Hm, good thing they nominated a woman who has spent most of her life working to help the underprivileged then!

Hmmmm maybe it was the solid year and a half of unfiltered media exposure. Maybe it was the fact that he launched his campaign by saying all Mexicans are rapists. Maybe it was him calling for a ban on all Muslims coming into the nation, including American Muslim citizens abroad coming home? Or maybe it was him

Except it is too dangerous this time. McCain and Romney were no where near as unhinged as this man.

An establishment Republican presidency in the face of a global environmental disaster could be apocalyptic. He doesn't need to launch the nukes to kill us all. He can sit on his ass and ignore climate change.

Good thing vice presidents exist.

I was a Sanders supporter but Clinton won the nomination by a massive amount of votes. She deserved it. That's democracy; you don't always get the person you want.

If you have to lust after a kid, you sure as hell ain't going to lust for Eric or Don Jr. Have you seen them? My god…

Her "gaffe" wasn't a gaffe at all. She knew was she was doing. Observe the Trump supporters all too eager to declare themselves "deplorable" now, to the extent that they are literally wearing it on their shirts.

The Republican controlled legislature would not object to anything Donald Trump says. If you want proof of this, observe the Republican Presidential Primary of 2016. They are cowards.

Pete Campbell has seen better days.

Dude, you're masquerading so much you belong at an Orlesian ball.

We survived because despite Bush's terribleness, he was more restrained than Trump, the man with the temper of a five year old. Even Bush wouldn't nuke France if their president insulted him. Trump is an unhinged narcissist.