
Yeah, "At or Below the Posted Speed Limit and Even-Tempered" underperformed at the box office.

“This will win best picture … There is nothing that will ever come close to the power of this thing.”

The Fasterest and The Furiouserest

Now I'm going to have that little ditty stuck in my head the rest of the day.
Thanks a lot.

This is one of the top ten comments in the history of the internet. Thank you.

Well, after an exploding karate sword fight, of course.

There will be no sequel to Dredd


What are you, a fuckin' park ranger now?

That must be exhausting.

Umm, did you read the article?

Wait, there are porn players?!

Umm, did you read the story? They have an active vaccination program to help reduce costs to their health insurance division.

Say what you will about the anti-vaccination movement, but they sure do attract the A-listers…

I think in Florida it's more of a halfhearted suggestion discouraging it.

State Farm has no obligation to employ him if he has beliefs they deem detrimental to the company. If I found out one of my company's spokespersons was in the KKK, I would sure as sh*t fire them. As it happens, State Farm advocates vaccinations (not least because it costs them a hell of a lot less to insure a healthy

Wait, there's dashboard porn?

Sounds like an awful lot of effort…