
Yeah, it was always a weird difference. Although, in George's defense, he did think she was a boy.

Kel (Protector of the Small) is really wonderful. They're bigger, too, because Pierce as able to convince her publishers that kids would read large books in the wake of Harry Potter. There's also the Trickster's Choice/Trickster's Queen, which is about Alanna's daughter.

I love the romance in the Alanna books! I mentioned downthread that I am still a little (only a little) sad that she didn't end up with Jonathan, but you are absolutely right about the subversion of stereotypes. For Alanna's character, it absolutely makes sense to end up with George. She would make a dreadful queen.

"Wild Magic" was great, and was actually my first introduction to Tamora Pierce. I just always liked Alanna a little better because she was so badass. But seriously, Daine could turn into any animal. That's amazing.

After I finish my exams today, Beka Cooper will be my treat to read. Have you read the short story book she just released? It's quite good, all these little stories about other parts of Tortall.

Agreed! The euphoria I experience has never diminished. I think those stories are some of my best friends. Ever.

Yes! Between Song of the Lioness and Terminator 2, I became strongly defined as a feminist (I mean, in terms of formative media). I never doubted that women were capable of doing anything men could do, and would loudly defend that throughout my formative years. And today, for that matter. But at the same time, the

I'm just about finishing up classes and am treating myself to reading Beka's story, but I've read (and reread) all the other Tortall stories multiple times. I have a deep love of Kel, who just seems so wonderfully grounded in a way that the heroic Alanna wasn't. They have a great balance.

How could I forget the wrist guards?! They pull the whole room together.

That will only happen if there is a god (or a God, I'm agnostic, so what do I know? NOTHING).

When I was 13, I read Tamora Pierce's "Song of the Lioness" quartet, and hot damn, do I love those books to this day. I was already into being a strong woman, but Alanna was a warrior! And had multiple sexual partners (with no shame)! And could do magic!

Yes! Once, I think. I was in London, studying abroad. I was 20, and really awkward and at the very beginning of my adult maturity. I went to this super swank bar with some friends and my absolutely gorgeous friend and I were at the bar, ordering drinks, when this tall drink of water comes up to us and says, "Hi. I'm

Well-played, my friend, well-played.

I don't think Harris is a monster, and never said as such. I don't think Sanger was a monster either. She was a creature of her time, where just about every middle-class social reformer believed in eugenics. Riding on the wave of Darwinism and emerging pseudo-sciences, they thought they were doing the very best for

Today's Planned Parenthood (aside from Sanger's support of eugenics—admittedly, today that's bad, but that's not who PP is now) does not target people in those communities. As the main goal of PP is to supply reproductive health care to women at a low cost, they place themselves in low-income communities—regardless of

A friend of mine from Poland (born in 1988) is named Emilia. I don't know if it was popular, but it's a beautiful name.

There is so much that I love about this video. Number one is a toss-up between her arms and the men in heels. The list continues after that, and it is long, much like their legs in the heels.

I haven't listened to it yet, but that makes me want to very much.

It's one of the best videos/songs ever.

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.