He actually said “Duck stew fondue - Trucking niche” mocking the hallowed Edmonton area tradition of a truckers stopping by a fancy restaurant for that meal after a successful run. Also used by Canadians as an insult to mothers implying truckers stop by their mom’s house after every run for sex.
Yeah, that was my take on the joke too. Offering a couple of non-traditional choices is one thing, but 37 is ridiculous, because at that point you’re saying gender can’t really be classified at all- so why bother making up 37 categories then? And even if you personally think 37 categories is a good idea, the…
Soooo, in this case, every country in the world except maybe Spain and Germany?
That’s information about a local event that had no national implications when it happened. It’s like me giving you an update on what Jake Locker is doing with his life in Ferndale at the moment because he lives in my area and calling that news on the scale worthy of a national report. It’s not. It’s a copout to…
No one has thought about Cliff Harris since 2013 and he hasn’t done anything to garner any attention to himself.
C’mon, there is a 0% chance you would have made this post if that picture didn’t exist, right? I don’t want to be overly sensitive, but the dude is either dealing with serious mental issues, serious addiction issues, or a combination of the two.
What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of…
I’m not even sure I agree with you but practically every single black comedian has made some form of this joke be it Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, Katt Williams, Richard Pryor, Oprah, Whoopie Goldberg. The world is coming to an end on this thread because a white guy said it. I would bet I could find Michelle Obama…
I think it’s about time for a downvote button on this site