
We will know when Asensio reaches world class status the moment he starts to ignore Bale during his goal celebrations.


Well, it does bear a remarkable resemblance to Robert E. Lee.

hold my stethoscope

Why the fuck does her friend think she’d profit from the sex-tape too?

This article is literally just video clips and quotes, my dude.

You may have missed my point.

I know this site has a reflexive “fuck the NCAA” position but I think in this one instance you sort of have to admit that these players went about things the wrong way. I didn’t use the benefits of my scholarship to buy electronics and then pawn them. I just straight up used my scholarship money on booze. Cut out the

Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.

love too use the logo of a sports team known for its foreign-born superstars to be the symbol of my anti-immigration movement

Also, Stephen Ireland is a midfielder. More importantly, this is one of his cars:

  • Marion County: Population 941,229 has 1 early voting station

When did Howie Schwab get into politics?

According to the EIU, “full democracies” are countries in which basic political freedoms and civil liberties are respected, and are “underpinned by a political culture conducive to the flourishing of democracy.” The government functions satisfactorily; media are independent and diverse; the judiciary is


The United States can no longer claim to be a representative democracy. The Senate needs to be radically reformed or abolished. Gerrymandering needs to be destroyed. The electoral college needs to be abolished. Most importantly, all citizens must be guaranteed easy access to a secure ballot for their vote.

Leave Buffalo out of this. We’re WAY too fat and drunk for boxing gyms.

Kaep got a job! Fuck yeah, glad someone in football came to their senses.

This feels like a win-win.

I know the last answer for sure, it’s IRAQ. The others are fuzzier.