
I feel that fail as well.

<——-Me / Joke———>

Misspelling of genitals

Where the foreskins play...

On the good ship gentiles

Very derogatory, at least in the recent past. When you hear someone called “unclean” it normally is attached to leprosy.

Thanks Jezebel!

She not is normal, she is medically overweight and borderline obese. 2+2 still equals 4 no matter what you say to make your poor life choices seem okay to you. Not only is her weight unhealthy so is this mind set that we should be okay with lazy mediocrity.

Mid eighties in my parents 72 Monte Carlo. I was driving quite fast around a neighborhood with a friend of mine when we came upon a older raised rail crossing. This particular one was probably put in before any houses were built, so it was a good few feet higher than the road crossing it. (imagine a home made

The response is fine. At some point the transgendered community will have to accept that you may neither have your cock hanging out in a little girls dressing room, nor your breasts hanging out in the boys.

The donksnob link is a virus site that will lock down your browser. Please remove it.

Now I know how my 8 year old son feels when we play spar

Vegetarian here so I do it eating lentils with a smug look on my face

Thank you for such a fantastic response.

For Science...

Frack them!

Passed you all climbing on my mountain bike

Beyond the guilt of the driver.

Since you dislike Witcher 3, I have decided that I disagree with everything else you say. Because nobody has such bad taste, you must be shilling for Sony, Nintendo or the Used Xbox360 dealers association. Maybe all 3 .

I am not sure what the problem is with the email from the customer that wanted to report a $1 discrepancy. It may seem trivial but as a business owner I would want to know if I may have a “problem”.