
Every vehicle that’s going to be named in the comments is a bad take and here’s why: We should at the very least, respect every car that’s not boring AF to behold. CrossCabriolet was weird and ugly. Aztek was fugly, but it didn’t look like anything else on the road. It wasn’t just another commuter capsule. I

Villain car from Knight Rider episode has not aged well.

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I think you make a good point. There’s one comment in the grays right now that went off on me for coming across as entitled, which I will absolutely grant because I 100% have the privilege to opt for a rideshare service as opposed to public transit. But the amount of economic privilege I do or don’t have should not

Don’t you just love finding things that were made on the day you were born? I bought a old 80286 PC AT Clone last year to restore for a quarantine project and play some old DOS games on. When I opened it up to clean it out and make some upgrades there was my birth date right there on the Quality Control inspection

Anything more than that is frippery!

They almost look like movie props. Like if Honey, I Shrunk the Kids was made by gearheads.

First thing I would do is upgrade it with an aftermarket forged crankshaft and a K&N filter. 

*THIS* is what I needed to see! The whole engine is enormous, yes yes, very nice. But this is true perspective!

I like!

I may be a weirdo, but I’ve always thought it would be cool to find one of these “new” older cars and daily it like it was 1994 (or 1975, 1986 etc.).  NP because there is probably none better on planet earth.

New silverado hd photos leaked

Or, in the immortal words of Walter Röhrl: If you see the tree first, it’s understeer. If you only hear it, it’s oversteer.

I have that TG T-shirt.

Well, this one didn’t. Deutsch & Bonnet won IoE at Le Mans many years using Panhard mechanicals.

This is good Jalop - thank you!

the real stuff is still only used by the British secret space force

The Hayabusa exists to supply engines to batshit crazy smart cars and the like.

And you know those wheelie bins get around, too. No telling what kind of warning light a car could catch.