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    A Jeep Blondie then?

    an account connected to a firm that specifically helps companies deal with cyber attack ransom payments

    Top tip, if you fancy an XF, make sure that you are buying a Jaguar, the DAF XF is also very good but not as practical as a daily driver for most people.

    The dealership should have put this right. No messing about. The car was rare enough to be special but not unique, they should have contacted a specialist and found a replacement. Sure it would cost a shedload of money but the sort of person who has cars with only 989 miles on them probably can afford to sue H&L

    Now playing

    losing downforce at over 200mph is not funny;

    I inherited it in 1981, it still works and I know how fix it when it doesn’t. I took it for a check up over the weekend, it is healthy and needed very little. Not to bad for a nearly 90 year old machine.

    When were the pictures taken? If it was decorated in 20o2 and then photographed the paint on the driveway makes sense, If the pictures are new, as the tires suggest then I give full marks to the vendor. I voted NP btw, I like these cars and if the vendor will pay for shipping I would be happy to drive about the north

    Last weekend a very weird thing happened, I parked my boomerang car ( because I have sold it twice and it keeps coming back, this time I am going to keep it) in an out of the way car park in Northumberland. When I got back from my walk an hour or two later, parked next to it was another one! There are only 13 or 14 of

    The Bristol Fighter,

    Tungsten and belt driven Myford lathes do not play well together.

    Three people died, one of them a classmate of my charges. The two I was responsible for were treated for shock, hypothermia and cuts and bruises and a broken arm. I was left trying to explain to two sets of parents what had happened to their children. They spoke no English, I speak French in the same sort of way that

    There were two of these, the other being the Princess Margaret, On the 30th of March 1985 at four 0'clock in the afternoon I was waiting at the Hoverport in Dover to pick up two 15 year old French exchange students. I will let The Lifeboat Magazine explain what happened;

    I do not have a fancy architectural posh house, I think it sort of grew here. Bits of it are quite new (1970's  is new) some of it is Roman and the castle looking bit is circa 1650. It does come with a bespoke electric vehicle though. A 1953 milk float.

    I think you just described a Citroen Ami.

    I am very impressed by the police, they ran an operation called “Operation Hellcat Mike” for a year and caught someone known as “Hellcat Mike”. This shows imagination and dedication and a basic ability to match VIN numbers to license plates. Citations and promotion to all of those involved.

    Sometimes I wish I was a happy domestic cat. This is one of those sometimes.

    I think it works out at about $2 per button/switch NP.

    Why does that ship make me think of a film, either Candyman or Judge Dredd?

    How long will it take for someone to make a Lego machine that can put cylinders in a box? Will it be today or tomorrow?

    Correct, with a teensy bit of thought so much more redness could be achieved.