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    I have driven this thing, for a week. It is Fucking Magical!!!

    It is a show car, no mechanical bits, no rose joints, no nuts and bolts, nothing other than an idea of a car, albeit in non-structural carbon fiber which has been constructed to withstand the load’s exerted for show car purposes.

    I have a fix for this, it is very complex and may not work but here goes.

    I have a Lister Storm that I might part with, are you interested?

    I do not know what this says about me, I either own or have owned examples of half the cars on this list!

    Now I really want to see a McMurtry Speirling testing in the snow!

    Psst’, the stuff is in the spare wheel.

    That sort of blue grey one. Or was it sort of greenish?

    Sort of my point, stock prices are not an accurate indicator of anything really.

    “Doing poorly” on the stock market is not the same as doing poorly as a vehicle maker. Rivian did better on the market before they made the silly mistake of actually making cars.

    This is a rest stop on the M6 motorway in northern England!

    This needs no explanation;

    Welcome to the KGM Rodius

    I suspect that you may be American, not to worry, it will pass, maybe.

    Does any body remember the concept of “grown ups”, the hippy dippy irritating olds, the dull, dumb parents, those that we rebelled against?

    Oh, how soon we forget:

    Because well thought through, grown up ideas have a tendency to take time.

    I have been checking on this.

    Yes, all the certificates are on display! I have no idea how (the why is easier, the proprietor’s daughter is a farmer and, erm, something of a force to reckoned with).

    My local garage sells petrol, diesel, oil , antifreeze and all the usual car stuff, homemade cakes, organic home cured bacon, venison (in seaso, along with other game) and very lovely hand crafted teddy bears. This year they have diversified further and offer a selection of Christmas trees. Choose the tree you want