All functioning Unimogs under $10,000 come with a breeding pair of Unicorns.
These were sold here in the UK as a plain Ford Cougar. They were never a big seller and of the dozen or so that a quick search turned up three have hand controls fitted. Oddly, I have never seen one in anything other than pristine condition. Oh, ND. The going rate for one here is around the £2500 mark.
Technology has ruined F1, the drivers don’t have to do anything these days.
Along with a wheel shaped steering wheel I would insist on clear analogue instrumentation and a usable map pocket.
In case you are pondering about just how healthy British democracy is consider this: the next prime minister will be decided by 0.2 per cent of the population.
In much the same way as falling into a cess pit without breaking any bones is better than doing the same with a busted ankle.
Ms Truss has also considered giving anyone who votes for her a sparkly unicorn and a place at Oxford University for their children, a pay cut for anyone outside London and locking up anyone who irritates her. (One of these I made up).
Can I have one with an analogue speedometer; a radio, with push buttons and a volume knob. If you must, a clear and simple satnav display that folds away when not in use might be helpful.
I got to drive this, I cannot say anything about it for months, for legal reasons and because I have lost the power of speech.
This is offensive in ways that cut to my very being. Asa young person I lived and loved in a van
This is the sort of behavior one associates with ex-presidents, not law abiding Canadians.
For those occasions when intercepting the police might be a good move, this thing might give one a tactical advantage. NP
I am guessing that an insurance company made more fuss about the missing $15000+ second bag. This might have helped to jog the Sheriff’s memories.
I needs a Motorala MTS mobile phone, other than that it the perfect car for spirited car chases and bringing corrupt cops to justice. NP.
Monaco is not known as a cheapskates paradise, but
Hmm, which take more maintenance, chickens or eggs?