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My experience so far with the CLA ( I sell MB's) is that there really isn't a ton, if any, cost cutting over its next closest priced brother, the C-Class. There is one very, very offending feature though, which would be the hood prop-rod ("Holy Fucking Corolla!" was my response when I saw THAT (We are also a Toyota

Aston grill...

I initially thought you were trolling, but the effort put in here deserves something. The penis building is just perfect.

You are a fucking genius! I bow at you sir, because you restored my faith in the common sense of all mankind.

The Ford Ranger seems to be the "Kevin Bacon of the automotive world."

I'd have been Putin it in reverse.

Cough Cough

Now playing

Sounds just as good, for 1/??th the price.

At my local short track (Colorado National Speedway) they have Trains. Three cars chained together, all very close. Driver in the front car, driver in the back car. The front car has a motor but no brakes. The rear car has no motor but has brakes. As far as I know the car in the middle is just there for fun. Oh, and

Had the same thing happen on my Saab. Only it was my now-ex-wife who broke it by jamming it into reverse.

I've got a 2006 vibe. I bought it because I wanted hatchback with good mileage that I wouldn't have to work on (coming out of a relationship with a 1997 golf iii). It actually handles really well for what it is. The motor is totally gutless when the whole fam is in it, to the point where I feel unsafe (I might have

I had a Vibe as a company car for a while, and it wasn't bad. It was kinda fun to drive, in a Pontiac way, handled ok, rode ok, the Monsoon sound was nice, and it had an electrical outlet on the dash, which was AWESOME for us since it was a tech company. I've definitely driven way worse.

I hate videos of idiots like this. It paints the rest of us with a very bad brush. Its not cool and its not driving. These guys are not car enthusiasts, they are idiocy enthusiasts.

Since Man failed and let Saab die, God is simply calling them to Saab heaven since we were too stupid to appreciate them.

Or is the devil trying to open up the ground to get his own Saab before they are all gone?

It's my pleasure to join you guys! I'd love to give you a solid answer to that question but I honestly don't know. NEVS focus are not yet on the Phoenix platform cars so the future of this design - or another for the Phoenix is unknown...

4th gear