
As someone who wears a suit and tie, lives in the suburbs and makes regular trips to the hardware store, I’m going to suggest buying cheap and used. (I go camping more than that but still). Buy an older truck and use it for its intended purpose.

My money is on the Tesla as well but, FP being FP, I feel I need to cover my bases. It could be a one-way as I have no clue where the car was actually parked.

So which one was facing the wrong direction I wonder

Oh, you say this but the timestamped event log says that.

Y’know, my 1987 Cavalier was a reliable, nearly-indestructible, efficient car. I liked it growing up - more than its replacement, a 1996 Ford Contour.

Well if you watched the video, you’d hear the driver stalling out a few times. I do know what the old automatics are like. I also know how nice the NV3500s are in the Dakotas.

Not to mention it’s a manual (New Venture NV3500)

Fun fact: It’s not a Chrysler transmission (New Venture NV3500)

If this were an automatic Dakota, you’d see transmission bits strewn across the street. Props to another manual V8 4x4 Dakota owner!

Those fools; California doesn’t even have 12 million to give!

That question can’t be answered until the unit is produced. On paper, the new engine is lighter and trades some torque for a bit more horsepower. Added juice and the possibility of better economy can make it better than its predecessor but we won’t know until it’s out in the wild.

Because it fits with Volvo’s decree of using only four-cylinder engines.

And its commentors like you that drive away civil discourse.

Drive motors are plug-and-play and easy to swap from underneath. Batteries are a bit more intensive. If I remember correctly I counted 40 or so bolts connecting the body to the skateboard (rep couldn’t give me a real count) and I believe there are four connectors between the two units. Once the body is lifted, a few

I’m not in it for Musk. I’m in it for that sweet, sexy, Autopilot-enabled, AWD electric drivetrain

Pay attention to my hot take on your rant! Validate me!!!

These people likely have jobs with this neat thing called PTO.

Why would I do that? I love the Model S - almost pulled the trigger on a 90D. But it’s just me and the wife! Why would I want something that big for just the two of us?

Me too!

Can the Bolt drive itself? Is it RWD? Is it attractive?