
I'm a parent and I've thought an awful lot about this and I think the "logic" is something like this: Being a mother is hard, therefore all mothers are selfless, therefore anyone who chooses not to be a mother is selfish. FWIW, I've also heard that all mothers are selfish. Poking at the squiggly mass of

BUT realize that every. other. thing. in the fucking world is all about Mothers this and babies that and families and commercials and OK! and inTouch and Hallmark and the tax code and what we consider work-life-balance etc. etc. etc.

As a 33 year old woman with no marriage prospects in sight, and no desire to procreate without a partner, I have started seriously considering this. My biggest concern is the cost. And also: while I would really *like* to have my own biological child, I am certainly open to adoption and actually would like to adopt

Why shouldn't abortion be treated casually? It's a safe, outpatient procedure, and many women already know before they get pregnant that they don't want to be pregnant. Sometimes, it's no bigger of a deal than removing an unwanted mole. Why must we insist that abortion MUST be an agonizing part of someone's life? Do