
He is fantastic.

Thanks for saying this. My partner and I have felt the same way about the handling of Piscatella. It's also worth taking into account that the one visible identifier of his gayness - his tablesetting hobby - has been used as a source of ridicule, it feels very cheap and against the ethos of the type of

"The combination of a runway fall and sloppy makeup guarantees Cynthia is in the bottom"

Love it!

If you're having sex with someone out of drag, technically it's not kai kai. And I totally would have non-kai kai with Eureka.

That's funny, because I think Adore is getting the best edit of all the queens.

shady elephant!

I agree, if it was important to her, she would have found a way. That's what my first comment meant - if she was using weed medicinally, why not go to a pot pharmacy I hear are all over LA? The fact LA actually SELLS GANGA LEGALLY is pretty mind blowing for anyone from any place it is still criminalised. Like really

I'm sorry to hear that it sounds rough. Also I am guessing this is the first time in her life the precious little snowflake has had to do without something.

Eh, it's not up to you or me to decide if someone's emotional withdrawl from any substance means "nothing"? That seems callous! But anyway, her weed love seems like just another bs affectation to me. She comes off much more like a coke addict, without the sniffles.

I'm pretty sure Corey didn't invent the term, though granted that is probably the first documentation of it. As far as I am aware, kiki comes from ki the way kaikai (two queens having sex in drag) comes from kai (one drag & one non-drag, presumably a term from prostitution). People still say "have a ki" and "that was

THIS - not just how wound up she was (which COULD be expalined by not having a smoke) but also her general lack of humour and awareness (of herself or others).

No both times she did say something and neither were smart nor funny.

Oh, and also, the post-Lablabla-being-attacked-and-storming-out silence in the Gold Bar was GAGGING for an iconic "your tone is very pointed right now" soundbite, which Courtney again failed to deliver.

I'm over Courtney now. When Bianca punctures a serious Untucked moment with a "but you're not gonna win" gag she's genuinely funny and everyone laughs. When Courtney did the same to Joslyn in the Gold Bar it fell flat and just made her seem like a bitch.

Also, just to clarify I thought I heard people saying (maybe it was LG herself) that her cannabis consumption was medical?

It's not physically addictive, but psychologically you definitely can become dependant on it. And it looks like LaWahWah's problems are psychological not physical.


I LOVED Adore's google eyed delivery of that line!! Bianca has serious comedy chops but Adore is totally effortless, a natural.

Commenters have noted that she must be having weed withdrawl on the show, but isn't medicinal pot legal in California?