Spoiled Americans and greedy lawyer.
Spoiled Americans and greedy lawyer.
For that price, you could buy a used Porsche 996 turbo which is way better and faster.
Buy a Porsche 996 manual transmission and make sure the ims bearing has been replaced and upgraded. All the other cars are a joke compared to 996
This guy is full of shit saying his friends own Porsches but he has never been in one.
Actually Scotty is right about POS Mercedes and right about Toyota reliabilty. Travis you and your articles suck. I’ve been a Porsche mechanic for over 40 years and own a 996 and a 928.
1997 Lincoln mark 8 coupe 290 hp 32 valve same as Mustang Cobra.
Good luck getting out of a rollover car with wing doors.
I agree. The only way Trump could continue to bull$hit is to blame the fake news media. Amazing how much bull$hit comes out of his butt hole size mouth.
Actually I haven’t paid for any kind of repairs since using how to videos on my smartphone. Just today I found out my Car’s transmission needs a control module not a rebuild. Dealer wants $1500 but found a used TCM on eBay for $30 YouTube for installation.
Little as s kisser.
Actually your Jeep is ok but your article sucks.
They apologize by lawsuits.
Have you seen the traffic in India? No way a $300k Porsche can be driven without getting a dent.
Stupid argument. My Porsche 3rd gear limit is 115 mph and 2nd gear is 60mph, however I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket because I don’t speed at night time.
Only idiots order well-done steaks just ask any chef.
A Porsche 991 turbo S.
I can help you with your mental health.
Hummer, Convertible Mini, Jidssn Juke and any right-hand car.
The majority of 996 haters are Trump supporters still using flip phones.
History has shown all racist and dictators end up killed or in a sewer.