Alternative fact says Conway is sexy.
Alternative fact says Conway is sexy.
Peeresident Trump.
PeeResident Trump. lol
Guess how much it costs to maintain Melania Trump.
There are more of us than the deplorable Trump supporters.
They’re for emergency use only and you can buy them on eBay shipped from China for $15 for 10. I bet the wholesale price is around $1-$2. Harbor freight has jumbo size regular Zip ties for a $1.
Uber is a digitsl slave driver. Idiots drive for minimum wage using their own cars.
Trump the mother of all con artists.
Country music sounds great when you’re dead.
Fancy junkyard.
Smart guys buy Porsche, new money showoffs buy Ferraris.
Zip ties for fixing rattling windows to holding other parts. Did I mention JB welds.
My universal oil filter removal tool.
Owning a British made car is like having cancer.
There is a 2003 VW Passat V6 with over 430K miles (Google high mileage Pasdat) and I know a guy who owns a Porsche 928 with 500K miles.
You’ll lose low end torque if it’s open at lower rpm.
This guy’s watch stopped at 4.20 so for you kids supporting this pothead, stay home and stay high.
Nope. A 1995 928 costs 5 times more than a 2000 996.
Corvettes are motorcycles on 4 wheels. Good luck surviving a crash.
I’d like to see a new 928 with a Panamera twin turbo engine.