NHL Counterpoint

"Starbucks has advertisements for tea?"

1.) Not only is Gerald trolling for laughs, but he mentions remembering what it was like to be a kid again, and having no filter on what you say. This plus him still drinking that wine pretty much confirms that his trolling is due to drinking member berry wine.

I think President Wyatt. The Secret Service guy says "We have to go, SIR." He's talking to President Wyatt, not First Lady Former Governor of IN Knope.;

I really think when you combine that with Garry's funeral, you get this: Ben steps aside for Leslie's dream to be Governor of Indiana. But she supports Ben when Ben wants to be President, and he does become President. As to the Secret Service, he probably told them his schedule and they told him Ben needs to leave

I prefer "Survivor girl" as used in the deconstructionist horror mockumentary "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon"

If only Hollywood would turn Weis/Hickman books into movies. And while they're at it, I'd love to see Margaret Weis' "Star of the Guardians" series turned into film.

"Are any YA authors capable of wrapping up their storylines in a single volume?"

"As YA adaptations go, it’s surprisingly brisk, tough, and unsentimental, sharing more in common with the old British television series The Prisoner than with, say, The Hunger Games. "

I saw the pilot at San Diego Comic Con and watched it again today on TV. I liked the pilot then, and like it now, but unlike other DC TV shows, I feel like this is a max 2 season show. I don't think this crime drama that happens to be set in Gotham is one that can last more than 2 seasons. There may be development

As to a child diagnosis, they could easily write in that his mom was told he has it, but his mom dismissed it "My Sheldon is a gift from God, he doesn't have a syndrome whose name is a curse word combined with a burger."

I'll trade you. Less Stuart for no more Kripke again, ever. Stuart as a sad lonely fu** is much better than the arguably tasteless one-off joke of a guy with a lisp.

I actually agree on this 100%. It was a great film idea, but strike 1 (of many, I assure you) is that for a movie that presents us with a night when ALL crime is legal, we only really see ONE crime, murder. Okay I guess we see breaking and entering, but come on, ALL crime is legal and all we see is murder?

1.) Um, where is Grown Ups 2? Or do movies so horrible that AV Club refuses to watch not make the list?

To be fair, the ONLY reason Sheldon is an ass is because the writers and Lorre adamantly deny that Sheldon has Asperger's Syndrome. If they simply came out and said he was an aspy, he'd be simply socially inept on the autism spectrum, not just an ass. I'll also note that I know people in the aspy community and they

"Sheldon is such a despicable person most of the time" The writers and Lorre just need to come out and admit that the character Sheldon has Asperger's Syndrome. It's beyond ridiculous that that they continue to openly deny it. I think they deny it because they think the Autism/Aspy community will be ticked off, but

To be fair, Stuart isn't working because they aren't writing his character well, making him a one-off joke, like Kripke. The writers are to be blame on this one, just as with many of the flaws of TBBT.