Eric Kahn

Why is there a coffee maker in the bath room?! And who puts books in drawers?
The phone book and the bible need to be on a shelf that faces the sun at all times.

Painting the room to fit your mood is always a delight, provided that you paint the room the original color before checking out. Always leave a note for housekeeping to be mindful of wet paint. 

I would use ‘boat’ and play off an ‘s’ to make it ‘boats’.

It’s been at least ten years since The Who released an album.

no worries - it’s totally cool

anderson was in the shower.. he left his twitter app open.. I did what anyone would have done in that short amount of time. dude takes quick showers.

damn, carly

I think it’s time.

Nice negative. Nice negative. Nice negative.

I bet It’s Tricky to take that stance when it’s your own father. I bet the women are saying, “My Adidas were made for walkin’ and that’s just what I’ll do, Peter Piper picked peppers and I’m going to walk all over you.” Walk This Way to the exit door, buddy. You Be Illin’.

huh? wtf.

“She appears to have sustained a puncture wound on the palms of her hands, probably from the thorns of a rose. You’ll probably want to test the rose for poison.

He’s The DJ, I’m The Rapper’ now considered one of the best hip-hop albums of all time.

I thought this episode was very nice.

U2 Gives Too Many Fucks...
Hard to beat that as a lead-in title.

I feel like we’re all supposed to yell “Bon Iver” right about now, although Disqus were more likely the cheap seats and what this is is more like overhearing U2 from an alleyway because now we’re homeless.
Oh, it’s soo ‘cheap seats’ to mention Bon Iver, but not if you put it in parenthesis.

Well gang, I guess that wraps up the mystery.

The Pitchfork Awards.

It’s apples and oranges.

“Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.”