Thanh Nguyen

Your “point” is nonsensical to say the least. “gg ez” is a bm, unhealthy attitude.

Lore and gameplay don’t always match. And that “make sense storywise” comes from 5 seconds of a 8min video. Says, if that little animation never arrived, would the Deflect dragon make sense? Also, in that scene he use Dragonblade to deflect an already formed Dragonstrike, which is totally nonsense in-game.

Nooo! Of course not. Nope. Totally not happened.

Are you serious? Genji can deflect a hell lot of ults, namely:

Pass into the A... Iris.

Well if you’re a little bit into lore you would know why we have robot monk. (the actual question is “how?”). Let’s just say they are robots who think they actually have souls, so they seek higher understanding of existence.