That meat confetti is amazing.
That meat confetti is amazing.
At this point its like whatever too me. They teased us for too long. I would have rather had an all new Challanger than this. This is the equivalent of an old guy thinking he’s cool because he lost weight and got a leather jacket and some shades.
I’m glad this car exists, and relieved Dodge is finally showing us the whole thing, but nothing about this car excites me anymore.
Even better questions, how do we get Jezebel articles from popping up there?
Not much of a reader of articles are you? Just went straight to the video.
Is this at the Chevron on Coleman next to the airport in San Jose?
PSA: Don’t use automated car washes. For any car.
Bikers beware– there’s a force on the streets that could or definitely will not destroy you. And it’s wearing a polo…
It’s not. It’s a dumb thing.
You never had to.
Who likes facts? Car ownership facts? Everyone. But you know what’s even better than facts? Facts that aren’t…
Rutledge wood is on this site all the time. If you look at his driveway you’ll know that he is in fact quite the car guy.
I judge people by the tires they put on their cars. I think that’s the most telling thing. Tires are like shoes.
On a little stretch of road in Sweden, cables have been strung up about 18 feet over the asphalt to feed trucks with…
Two cents:
Lol uh...nothing against the E-Class but I don't think anyone is itching to put a bog standard model as their wallpaper.
My notes:
Gotta go against you on that "don't bring your own helmet" thing. Don't know where you're at, Alex, but there's no way in hell I'm sharing a helmet with the general Los Angeles public, especially after I spent good money on my own. I say bring your own helmet and don't talk shit.