Everyone has their methods for cramm—I mean, studying for tests. I barely scraped by with mine (energy drinks, late…
Everyone has their methods for cramm—I mean, studying for tests. I barely scraped by with mine (energy drinks, late…
What evidence do you have that MH370 was the result of terrorist activity? Or is this just classic overdefinition of "terrorism" to encompass what was, perhaps, a crime, or even some sort of system malfunction? "Presumably?" Sure, some half-wit bloggers (not really here) and credulous "journalists" have made these…
Wow. Thank God nobody was hurt, either in the air or on the ground. Could have been so much worse.
I think chunking works for a lot of different subjects. As a singer, I only do 10 mins of warm-up then 20 minutes of learning repertoire - concentrating on the more difficult passages first. It makes practicing a lot less tedious and I learn faster. I also do 20 minutes of ear training, sight singing, etc.