Does anyone know if the Mute button disables the listening, or does it just stop reacting to “Alexa”
Does anyone know if the Mute button disables the listening, or does it just stop reacting to “Alexa”
Who curated the list of helmets to show. No self respecting bike rider would use any of these helmets. Where are the Giro’s, POC’s and Smith’s? I call bullshit.
Who curated the list of helmets to show. No self respecting bike rider would use any of these helmets. Where are…
F1 could get rid of the flat bottoms of their cars, and incorporate tunnels underneath the car like Indycar has for over 30 years. Downforce created by the ground effect tunnels under the car is largely unaffected by the dirty air created by the leading car’s wings.
Wasn’t there a previous post somewhere that there were Rivian test vehicles with F-150 bodies over do you know these are actually Ford test vehicles and not Rivian?
Is there no proof reading being done?
Why does the Tacoma not have 4WD? The guy is an idiot for going out in those conditions without 4wd and/or snow chains.
Good luck matching the fade after your first fender bender....
Seriously Ford, why couldn’t you just give Elon the right to use Model E (instead of 3).
Seriously???? Why is this even a discussion. Tacoma > Frontier
Re: First year cars...depends on the mfr. I hooked up my in-laws with the first batch of the 3rd Gen Lexus RX...literally, the first shipment of that generation RX off the boat in Long Beach. 10.5 years later and that car has been bulletproof. Toyota / Lexus....ok to buy first year.
Didn’t Kimi kick ass in a Lotus? mumblemumblemubmle...leave me alone..I know what I’m doing
Even the B doesn’t have true vectored thrust. The rear nozzle can only pivot down for VTOL takeoff / landing and there are roll posts that use bleed air from the engine to allow it to move and pivot when in a hover but I doubt they would have any effect or use when doing aerobatic maneuvers in forward flight.
too bad the F-35 doesn’t have vectored thrust
Yo! This videos is like from 2 years ago....what gives? This isn’t news.
Regarding the third question, I actually have had some luck with dealers wanting to swap wheels across vehicles on their same lot. It was for the same size but different styles so they were ok swapping the complete wheel/tire from one car to another. I would suspect that they would be ok to do the same swap for a…
Must be where you guys live but here in So-Cal, Prime is sometimes same-day shipping and for free. People hate on Amazon but if it helps me spend more time playing with my kids instead of dragging 3 of them to a Costco / Target / Grocery Store to pick up stuff then I’m all for it.
Who covers the damages to the bystander cars in this case. Is it the cops, the guy in the cobalt running from the law or do you need to use your collision coverage?
How can you imagine Jim Carrey playing Axel Rose in that music video in Dead Pool? You gotta be really eff’d up to combine that!
GM has gone full Michael Bay...and we all know you don’t go full Michael Bay! I’m expecting this to transform and kill us all in an instant!