

Plenty of women in Battlefield V if you’re so desperate to play as a woman. Also, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is pretty badass and there’s guns in it.

They don’t even sell 4K movies on the PSN store for Pro users.

Well tough shit, they should’ve governed themselves and not let it get this far.

Great work, yet again.

This is my exact response regarding Destiny 2. Except I quit after Warmind. Haven’t been back since.

The Outer Worlds twitter just confirmed Epic/Windows Store 12 month exclusivity too.

That’s pretty much how I read it too.

Holy shit. 

So basically Far Cry 5: 2

Yeah. Once I saw their plan for the season pass I just said naw, I’ll wait for the complete edition next year or whenever. I really loved the first 2 games too but I can wait for this one.

“New” content 

Hear, hear

Well I’m skipping this years reskin anyway so I’m cool. AC Origins was amazing but only one of the DLC’s was worth a damn. Their “live service” treatment is hogwash too. I’m speaking from my experience with AC Origins and Far Cry 5. FC5's multiplayer was tragic and they fixed it way too late. 

I just bought No Man’s Sky on Tuesday. Looking forward to exploring.

I skipped Wildlands. What was their model? 

No, it was because Xbox 360 was in the lead. Same thing thats happening today. 

I’m just really glad they have open betas for games these days. After spending a few hours with it over the weekend, the beta saved me $60.

You know I would’ve actually preferred that statement over the douchey shit they did put out.

Fuckin $50???? Sweet Jeebus. I didn’t know it was that much. Lol