Cheese Addict

4pm on a Tuesday for me. Right next to my apartment... but I work an hour away.

Totally agree about Diablo 3. My wife and I have been playing together since I got it last year and it’s the only game she’s played this much with me since Minecraft. She’s actually playing right now without me on a new character.

*Stares at copies of Hyrule Warriors and The World Ends With You in the never-ending backlog*

Swatter: you are an accessory to murder.

Pretty sure the dude in the Totoro costume is nice and warm tho

Japan has a weird relationship with gay and trans representation. On the one hand, you have characters like the donut shop manager in Kamen Rider Wizard, a kids’ show. While at first this seems like tolerance, these characters are always played for laughs and their sexuality is never taken seriously. Also see “Okama

Does wiping your face and blowing your nose with toilet paper really revolt people? I’ve been doing it for years, it actually saves me money. They even make cute little dispenser boxes for that specific purpose. Squish the toilet roll to pull out the tube, stick it in the box, and pull out tissue from the middle.

The “pull-down to the knee” thing only applies to me in public restrooms. Because I do NOT want my pants to touch that floor.

I’m with the guy who wants more derpy octopus-face Alita.

This is the exact mission that made me ragequit the game.

Rosa Salazar is perfect casting, down to Alita’s octopus pucker-lips. They really didn’t need to go full CGI.

But... but... seasons? Space? Stars? Other planets, which you can clearly see through a telescope?

The world is a nipple bowl!

...turtles all the way down!

How do flat-earth people explain round-the-world plane trips?

Really? He always creeped me out.

I don’t care much for Ms. Huckabee-Sanders, but kudos to her for being able to take a picture that can be mistaken for stock photography.

Is there a little D.Va doll that he can put in the middle? That’d be awesome.

Thanks, Trump!

The word “paysan” doesn’t really have the same connotation in French. The way it’s used, it just kinda means someone from the countryside. It also used to be used in a similar manner to the Italian “paisano”, as in “buddy” or “pal” but I think that doesn’t happen anymore.