Cheese Addict

These white boys feel threatened by blackness. In the media, black people are cooler, stronger, and more popular than they are, so they’re “taking back their masculinity” by humiliating and degrading their black peers just to feel a power trip, completely unaware or unwilling to understand that they are the ones in

It’s filmed in Singapore. English is one of Singapore’s main languages.

I got in bed with my 3DS and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (I’m catching up!) and promptly fell asleep for four hours. A Saturday well spent.

Can someone explain to me the logistics of transferring ownership of a car? Like, can they just give you the keys and you go and get it registered at the DMV under your name? Or are there legal steps necessary for transfer of ownership?

It does sound like right before the punch he’s saying something along the lines of “you fucking spic!”

It was playing at the Ghibli museum when we went in 2012. It was cute.

I’m all for cheap beers, I just don’t like Budweiser or Heineken. Ever since I moved to Asia my favorite beer has been Tsingtao, which is probably even cheaper. Might be a bit watery for people who like their beer with a lot of hops, though.

It’s getting the fishing game isn’t it? With motion controls?

I am open to watching anything Studio Mir produces because anything that reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender makes me happy.

Hah, you totally explained my unease with GKids. I forgot about 4Kids.

For the past few years we’ve been slowly buying the Hong Kong editions of the Blu-rays, which have really nice simple covers and come with English subtitles. I’m starting with the ones I haven’t seen yet and working my way to owning the whole collection.

Whoa, hello five-year-old zombie thread. Hi Skip, I feel like I haven’t seen you around much.

We have it bottled where I am. It is delicious.

Yep, it was terrible, and I do regret staying up all night on the other side of the world trying to play the challenges.

Because it’s still fun despite the flaws, and some of us like fun, y’know?

Managed to get an Articuno, I’ll hopefully run into a Lugia for a second try today.

I started playing Pokemon with Pearl and HeartGold. After leaving the series behind, I really got into Pokemon Go last year. It gave me the motivation to beat Red in HG, and then play through Black, White 2, and X. Not only am I currently on Alpha Sapphire and plan on playing Sun or Moon, I learned how to play the

Is that Pete Sampras?

Here in Hong Kong, Lugia appeared as a raid in a nearby commercial district at 11:15am and was up for 2 hours. Despite the tropical cyclone warning, it wasn’t too windy or rainy out and there was a small crowd of 20-30 people there. Lugia is a tough battle, if I didn’t have a Blissey I would’ve been wiped out.