Cheese Addict

A phone’s GPS still works when you’re on Wifi, doesn’t it? When I’m connected to my home Wifi network my character still walks around a bit.

I’m surprised they didn’t plan and truck in a huge wifi network setup with hundreds of broadband connections for this event.

It’s 2am where I am, I’ve been walking around catching pokemon since 11pm expecting fun stuff to happen. Thinking of just giving up and going to bed.

So whatever system keeps “authentic” transactions in place stops people from simply reversing or nullifying them... I think I get it.

I think the lesson is to wait until cryptocurrencies are more secure before even considering using them...

I thought the whole point of cryptocurrencies is that everyone “mining” keeps ledgers of transactions so that no unauthorized transactions can happen? Did I understand this wrong?

Attaboy. Baby steps. I believe in you.

It’s okay. You’ll get comedy one day.

Someone needs to set up a Miller/Shkreli fistfight. Everyone would be happy.

Sorry, I have to. Ignore me if you must.

There’s a massive mark-up and tax on Apple products in China. It’s fairly common for people to smuggle them over from Hong Kong, where they are sold at the regular retail price. Smugglers can make a huge profit when they’re successful.

“Anime is a medium, not a genre.” Thank you. I’ve been saying, typing, writing, repeating, screaming this at the top of my lungs for a better part of two decades. Make this your mantra, people. Breathe, repeat, breathe...

The hubris of humanity is more disturbing to me.

Gotcha, thanks!

Ah, didn’t know that. I was picturing someone literally just mashing pieces together until they “fit”. Thanks!

How do you “brute force” a puzzle? You can’t just force random pieces together.

To participate during the whole event, I’d have to pull an all-nighter... That’s not gonna happen.

That’s... wow. This is why I believe that people need to get over familiarity (among other things) and date outside of their communities.

There are special needs kids in my preschool. They’re difficult to care for in a classroom setting, but they are by far the most affectionate and loving. Watching them develop and grow is intensely rewarding, and I wish everyone could feel the same way.

You may have been unusually cautious, but you also grew up in an environment where things were made to last longer. Long gone are die-cast metal robots, consoles with solid wood parts, and books printed on quality paper that don’t yellow after a few months.