Cheese Addict

My wife discovered Sugru when it was in development, and we bought packs from one of the first batches produced. Now it’s everywhere in our apartment, holding things together, hanging things up, fixing cracks and padding sharp edges.

Hate encompasses all time zones.

I’m just annoyed that the game went from running well on my phones (Sony Xperia Z2, iPhone 5) to running really slow and choppy and then crashing a lot. I hope they fix this with updates, I’m not buying a new phone for awhile.

Oh no female nipples are verboten and should never be seen but it’s fine if they’re behind see-through clothing!

I still feel like with $40 Asian editions and $10-$15 in worldwide shipping, Aussies could be getting better deals than the ~$75 they’re paying per game.

Beyond Good and Evil was the reason I scrubbed dishes in college to save money for a TV and an Xbox.


I’m curious, is there a law against parallel imports of consoles and games in Australia? Can’t people there just buy games online from Asia or even the US?

When I get a lot of bites, I always feel better after I soap the affected area (usually my legs) in the shower. Not sure if there’s any alkaline chemical reaction involved or if it’s just psychological.

I don’t really like the original meaning of the term, though. “A male so ineffectual and weak that he deserves to be cuckolded” or whatever. It just reeks of so much stupidity that I don’t ever want to use it, even ironically.

Someone should organize a “racial harmony” tailgate party on the same day, open to anyone and everyone. Do it in the biggest parking lot in town, next to a Target or a Costco. It would get a message across regardless of how many people show up, and would be a huge bonus if there were more people there than at the KKK

At first I thought “marketing ploy for the movie”, then I realized it already came out. And the last time I was in Vietnam in 2011-ish, every gamer I met was playing MMOs in internet cafes and had modded PS2s at home. I have no idea if they could be marketing Resident Evil 7 with this.

The styles of cartoon and anime dubbing have completely changed every decade. In the past, it was all about over-enunciation and over-acting, and slowly over time people changed their style of voice acting to add more nuance and subtlety. Ash Ketchum’s voice used to be the “default anime boy” voice, and now you

Extremely loud snorers: get checked for sleep apnea. If you have it, get a CPAP machine and learn to sleep with it. My CPAP machine changed my life. I now wake up more alert and don’t spend my mornings in a funk, and I also think it somehow helped me deal with anxiety as well.

Yes, liberals can be racist, sexist douchebags too. Doesn’t mean Republicans and conservatives aren’t more consistent about it.

Nope. I’d take my wife’s name in a heartbeat, though we decided just not to change names.

Translation: “If it doesn’t offend me personally, it’s invalid.”

Yup. This gets me plenty of interviews before people realize I’m not white.

I’m catching up on my backlog of Pokemon games, and finished Black back in February. Got my first shiny in that game, a purple Audino. I literally did a double-take when I saw it, I’d never seen a shiny Pokemon in any of the games I played before.

My friend and I were supposed to play Pokemon together since Diamond/Pearl came out. Life got in the way and we kinda forgot about it after Heart Gold/Soul Silver. Then one day last November, he sent me a picture of his brand new copies of White, Black 2, Y, Omega Red and Sun. Guess the race to catch up is on.