Cheese Addict


This person speaks truth. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth.

Would you have complied, even if it meant missing something really important? A wedding, a concert, the birth of your first grandchild?

Wasn’t that the price of the PS3 when it launched? I think that’s reasonable for a luxury consumer product.

I agree that being a minority in America does not automatically absolve you of racism.

Because you can’t divorce the label from the history of how it was used. Even the labels that have been “taken back” carry a lot of historical baggage of abuse and disenfranchisement.

The kind of game I would so love to play if I didn’t get motion sickness so easily.

Because “white” was a self-description. “Whiteness” is something white people have always owned and had power over. Everything else was and is still a label created by white people that needed to either be fought or appropriated.

Came here looking for this picture. Was not disappointed.

Hurr hurr “pushing it”.

My first apartment when I moved to Hong Kong was a tiny 1-bedroom with a shtoilet. That’s a combination shower stall, toilet and sink. I could do all my business at once.

I hate it when I buy a game, add it to my backlog, and before I get around to playing it, a remake is released...

Oh god are we finally getting an official release of Seiken Densetsu 3 in English? TELL ME YES AND I WILL BUY A SWITCH, NINTENDO.

I still carry mine around as a pedometer. I don’t know why though, but my step count is corrupted and is set to a permanent -1.

Na naaaa, nanananana na na, na Katamari Damacy...

Ugh, this is the kind of bullshit that makes so-called “free speech” conservatives out to be the Davids against the “liberal PC culture” Goliaths. These “free speech” conservatives are about wanting to be able to be huge unrepentant assholes without any real-world consequences to their words and actions. There’s a

Because men and women can’t be platonic friends and roommates before she realizes he’s a complete creeper?

He’s speaking French, not Spanish. In French it’s spelled “attention” just like in English.

Season 2 is where it shines brightest, and that shine lasts all the way to the end.