Cheese Addict

I’ll be honest, I’m interested in the literature. Not because I think I’d ever agree with the ideas, but I do admit I’m lacking in knowledge in that area. I’ve already got my own shit ton of readings to do, though, so thanks for the offer. I’m a preschool teacher getting a postgrad degree in child development, so my

All the tech industry libertarians (tech bros, all of them) I’ve met honestly believe that they are superior to everyone else because of their contributions to society. The fact that they also seem to attribute their success and wealth to being white and male makes them extra insufferable. Regardless of how “modern

I define conservatism as anything that tries to maintain a societal status quo regardless of how unequal it is.

NES - my eldest brother’s in early childhood, Gameboy - ALL MINE, SNES - shared among all the boys, n64/PS1 -mostly mine in late childhood, GC/PS2 - my brothers’, XBox was mine while in college, DS - first job, Wii/360/PS3, second job, 3DS/Wii U - third job.

If only, right?

All the grey market consoles I’m seeing in Hong Kong right now - and they’re plentiful - are from Japan. I wonder if these sales are counted at all, or do they only count retail sales, and not overall distribution?

Denying that people have a right to be “offended” by things in the world because it goes against a particular worldview - one that keeps straight white men in power, by the way - is what is setting everyone back decades. Calling someone an “SJW” shuts discussion down as much as you think being called a racist does.

Where the fuck did I ever say race doesn’t matter? Of course race matters, otherwise I wouldn’t be in this idiotic conversation. Fuck racists, fuck racism, and fuck racism enablers.

Because every white person ever is like your daughter?

So what you’re saying is that white people get to experience a way better reality than if they were minorities in the same socio-economic circumstances? That’s pretty much how white privilege works.

Because white people, right? Let’s see how many of y’all miss the point of this.

Do you identify the Simpsons as a white family in America despite their bug eyes and yellow skin?

Oh believe me, lots of us have no problem identifying with white characters. There’s just so much out there to identify with. A complete glut if you will. There’s white heroes, white nerds, white geniuses, lovable white idiots... on a personality and even a cultural level there are so many white characters that you

Does that even look like him when he was young? I only vaguely remember 21 Jump Street on TV, but that doesn’t really look like him at all to me.

I blame Benjamin Button. They did an amazing job of de-aging Brad Pitt (check out the making-of videos to see how much work was put into those scenes, it’s insane) and we now have to deal everyone trying to do the same thing with more automation and less work.

Cosplay is cosplay. It can be super professional, it can be store-bought, it can be homemade, it can be completely rubbish. If you’re dressed as a pop culture character and it isn’t Halloween or for a costume party, you’re cosplaying.

I have an 8-hour workday with night school and I’m having a hell of a lot of trouble staying in shape. Gained 20 pounds in the last 3 years. Love the money, but I don’t have the energy to exercise after my job. (It’s not sedentary.)

Real Republicans don’t support Trump.

Jokes aside, what if you’re right?

Is that just in Japan? Here in Hong Kong, I’m pretty sure it’s usually pork unless otherwise mentioned. Pork is practically the default meat here, if you encounter anything called a “meat bun” or a “meat dumpling” it’s always pork.