Cheese Addict

I really hope the Japanese voice tracks are on the disc.

Are the iOS games worth it or should I get the DS/3DS versions when possible?

I can assure you we have proper child labor laws here in Hong Kong.

Yay, another feature they’ll cut for the international release!

You can be a filmmaker without being a critic, and you can be a critic without being a filmmaker.

I need to pick the game back up, I haven’t even gotten a Skell yet. I’m just annoyed at how much there is to think about in this game, it’s overwhelming compared to the previous Xenoblade. Mining, crafting, upgrading, affinity... the Wii game was taking up more than enough of my brain space with everything it was

Fat, disgusting, but not dead. I think not dead is a good thing.

Now playing

I still listen to Ape Escape 3's Seaside Resort song every once in awhile just as a general pick-me-up. Man, I wish I still had all these games.

I know they tried to make his suit look more “organic” or imply that those are his actual muscles under fabric, but it’s not really working for me. It reminds me of the live-action Guyver movies, but not really in a good way.

Sadly studios are trying to underpay everyone except their bankable stars, especially SFX companies...

I only know him as happy-go-lucky Kamen Rider Fourze. It’ll be weird to see him act as a dour teenager and occasional tsukkomi.

I didn’t really like Bridesmaids, haven’t seen Spy, and I enjoyed Ghostbusters. It’s not perfect and doesn’t really live up to the original, but it was way more entertaining to me than Bridesmaids.

No, it makes you sexist and backwards and you should feel bad about it.

I really should get back into reading just for Murakami. Hard Boiled was great, and so was Kafka on the Shore. Norwegian Wood’s been sitting on my shelf for ages, untouched.

Can we just all up and agree that all harassment is bad? Please? No? Dammit.

I don’t remember liking Time Bandits that much, but it was probably because I rented it on VHS when I was young and stupid (also while rocking a 100 degree fever). I should give it another go.

So many Zubats...

Huh. Should’ve figured that the EU covered it. Though now that the EU is no longer “canon” to the movies, they could just do whatever they want with it.


Will we finally find out what the heck a Bothan is?