Cheese Addict

I watch these videos so much I’m starting to mimic Chris’s voice when I do public speaking.

Pokemon GO was quietly officially released in Hong Kong.

You’d be surprised how adults with plenty of money will pirate just because it’s “the cheaper option” in places where pirated goods can still be bought from stores.

You’re welcome and I’m sorry.

They’re pretty popular in the rest of Asia too, actually. There’s even bootleg “compatible” tracks and trains.

I live in a place where Toys R’ Us has whole sections dedicated to Tomica sets. Believe me, the temptation is there.

Does everyone in Japan have Tomica train sets?

The question is, will the experience be what we were promised 20 years ago?

The original theatrical releases on those DVD sets are taken directly from the negative, though, scratches, discoloration and all. They actually look terrible compared to the Laserdisc Definitive edition, which was cleaned up and had remastered color grading.

It takes a certain kind of director to be able to make epics, and Anno is definitely one of them. He has classic film sensibilities based on his shot composition and style.

The second half of that quote is telling. I bet they’re just a korean women’s 4chan/reddit and their “misandry” is the feminist version of all the “GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH” and “TITS OR GTFO” jokes you usually get on the internet.

So according to the Real Koreans site, it’s a women’s anonymous forum. The site is pro-feminist and anti-misogyny, and detractors accuse them of spreading misandry and hate. I suppose a lot of Nexon people are detractors.

Dammit, Lego, I have too many other interests to spend money on, I can’t get back into you, you’re too cost and space prohibitive and I live in a shoebo-WHAT WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY LEGO SETS NOW WHYYYY

I don’t have a PS4 yet, so instead I spent all my hard-earned money on this.

As much as I agree with you about Ehrenreich (he’s too short, his voice is too nasal and his face is kinda punchable) I don’t think Ingruber is a very good actor/impressionist either. And yes, I’ve seen the Age of Adaline video. Repeatedly. His acting is very unpolished in that clip.

The correct thing to do if you suspect any kind of burglary: call the police, take pictures from a safe distance, get a license plate number if you can.

If they said something like “sideloading pokemon go might cause problems playing the legitimate release” people might stop playing.

Was that a Prison School reference? XD

Could be that the server issues are coming from the people sideloading the game.

Thanks. I’ve gotten through the first few books already. It’s like a Dan Brown book, it’s not the best thing ever or anything but I can’t stop reading.