Cheese Addict

Always been curious about this series, maybe it’s time I give it a go. Is the manga the best way to start?

It actually looks like two different versions of the headpiece and mask. Maybe he had a main and a back-up or something.

It’s not a “victim complex” if there are, you know, actual victims.

I remember when $13,000 was my yearly salary.

I kinda wish everyone was as honest as Ridley Scott on Exodus. To paraphrase, “White superstars make more us money, so we cast white superstars in movies. End of story.”

And animals! People that are on screen for more than 3 seconds are still a long shot, but man, they’re doing amazing work with animals nowadays.

Ah, the major problem about online games: other people.

Maybe it’s a house that’s been subdivided into apartments. I’ve lived in one before. They split the floors up.

I bought the first Crash on PSN to see what the deal was. That game is HARD. It’s well designed and enjoyable, but I ragequit that game twice.

This reminds me of rainy days at my friend’s house, playing make-believe Star Trek. His desk chair was the captain’s chair, his window was the screen, and we’d move stuff around to make stations. That guy’s acting and ingenuity were great, if the ship was “in trouble” he’s turn off the room lights and use his blinking

Cool, thanks for the info.

What’s the availability like for the sets? Have any been discontinued?

One of my mom’s cousins and her husband took to carrying around a fake toy baby around and treating it like a real baby. (They haven’t lost any kids or anything, their kids are grown up.) This is kinda reminding me of that.

“Likely”? “Son Goku” is a direct Japanese translation of “Sun Wukong”. It’s a very, very obvious inspiration.

Huh, I always wondered how they got around his original request to motorboat Bulma.

I think it’s a digital turntable. I don’t think those are records.

Fine. Every character in anime, born in Japan, with a Japanese name, from a Japanese family, is Japanese, regardless of eye/hair/skin color. You really needed that spelled out for you?

She looks Vulcan.

People always project their own beauty standard onto anime characters, which is why a lot of people think anime characters are white.

There was a time when the world outside of Japan only got 3 Final Fantasy games (FF1, FF4 and FF6). Square Enix (then just Squaresoft) decided to name them sequentially as FF1, FF2 and FF3.