Cheese Addict

Even if people could get past the obviously trolling title, they should’ve at least been tipped off by the terrible writing.

Takashi Miike really is a hit and miss director. For me, he misses more than he hits. (I had high hopes for Yatterman.) I still need to watch Ace Attorney though. I have no idea what’s going on with that movie, I’ve been waiting for a DVD or Bluray with English subs forever. Might just resort to piracy.

Cantonese is in no risk of ever disappearing from the whole south of China. Just like English is in no risk of ever disappearing from the US.

I’m all for democracy on our little rock but goddamn, the assholes waving around the COLONIAL flag at all the protests piss me the hell off.

I didn’t expect this to snowball.

I grew up in Hong Kong too, just not in the local school system. I now work in an English/Putonghua kindergarten that funnels into a lot of local public and semi-private schools. They all teach mainly in Cantonese. A lot of my former students have already lost the Putonghua and English language skills we instilled in

The funny thing is that the locals complain about Putonghua invading Hong Kong while almost all the local schools have been teaching it as a second language to near-fluency for decades, most service jobs require passable knowledge of Putonghua, and since the Asian economic crisis we depend a lot more on tourism from

Aww, I wanted to see someone get turned into a sheep mid-battle.

“Alright, alright, we’ll give back Akira. Just let us make Fullmetal Alchemist. Please.”

Does my brain work backwards? I saw the cigar first, and had no idea what the hell everyone was talking about.

Mine prefers knitting to crochet, so I get to call her a knitwit, amongst other knit-worthy pet names.

Aaaaand nobody read the words in the article.

Your assumption that every race is as equally regarded and respectful enough to one another to warrant this kind of comment is adorable.

For anyone who didn’t know, it’s pronounced “crow-shayed”.

So the first level teleported me into an area with a cyberdemon in a cage and a bunch of enemies, and I had no idea where the hell I was supposed to go before dying of rockets up the ass, but it was pretty!

Well, dang.


It was much better on my second viewing, but both times I thought to myself, “I really need to see this is 2D.” Some of the action scenes are a bit too shakey and confusing for 3D.

Completely agree about the shakey cam. I saw it twice in 3D, because my first viewing was way too close to the screen. Then I saw it from farther back. The shakey cam was bad both times.

I don’t understand how Disney can complain about the difficulty of having variety in female heroine faces in their 3D movies when I see the roster of female characters in Overwatch.