
Shut the fuck up.

There’s a good one that didn’t make the cut where the reader used the phrase “Not only” seven times in a 400 word diatribe.

Try to keep this straight. You’re supposed to have read Mein Kampf so that you can recognize passages from Mein Kampf. That way you don’t unwittingly retweet Hitler’s ideas. Okay? Now that you’ve read Mein Kampf, you are a fascist or a sympathizer.

Shouldn’t it be up to the individual if they want to learn the language or not? If they manage to get by only knowing a little, what difference does it make to you? How is your life affected by a guy not knowing fluent English but knows enough to function in society?

What difference would it make to you either way if someone else didn’t learn to speak English?

Well you are doubling down on racism so I guess it would make sense to dismiss you as a racist.

Make assimilation great again.

Why would I have a problem? Most first generation immigrants that move post-school struggle to learn the language fluently. That has always been the case in the US. It works fine. Older immigrants learn enough to get by, and the second generation becomes fluent. No reason to be shitty about it.

Damn jews amirite.

That is but one of many, many reasons why people hate Yankee fans. Many, many reasons.

“I used to be 'with it.' Then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I', with isn't 'it' and what is 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to YOU!" - Abe Simpson, Homerpalooza

WTF is native vs. non-native EMF?

I disagree with Snopes on this one. Snopes is great, but they’re not infallible. They even admit by the end of the post that she hedges on so much in her “support” of vaccines.

This logic is the same as for every paper that discusses the issues of global warming there’s equally another paper that says it isn’t real.

Not to mention that gigantic yellowish-white thing up in the sky that keeps spewing its CANCER CAUSING RADIATION at us every day. I’ve heard that it spews radiation on ALL ENDS OF THE SPECTRUM, including POTENTIALLY HARMFUL microwave and radio waves, as well as DEADLY X-rays!

Yeah! Then put your hand in a fire and tell me it’s safe to use that to cook too!

A: He’s only talking about cellphones, not WiFi.

Gotta take issue with that article when the guy says stuff like:

I’d rather have a WS-connected candidate than one whose only political experience is serving for two years as a Town Meeting Rep. for Lexington, MA. Not quite commander-in-chief material.

The thing is, she’s not wrong about the relentless rent-seeking that corporate America is pushing through our public school system. But then she goes and torpedoes that valid point with paranoid nonsense about wifi giving the kids brain cancer.