
I agree. It's just like those Scottsboro Boys - overturned on a technicality.

Right but you are innocent until proven guilty. You don't have the be proven innocent, that's the whole point.

I think it's normal to instinctively lean to one side or another in a case like this, and most people will be inclined to believe a rape victim.
Where i start to lose the thread is with her proposed resolution. If I was sexually assaulted by an employee of my bank, I don't think that would entitle me to break my

I would go so far as to say it would be malpractice for the Sony attorneys to negotiate a settlement without such a clause.

I'm not sure this is right for habeas. What you're describing is the situation on direct appeal. In habeas practice, the whole point is that your trial attorney fucked up, so you're entitled to pursue new arguments, introduce new evidence, etc.

Especially germane in this case where Kesha's sought relief is only tenuously connected (to say the least) to the alleged wrong.

It doesn't bolster the claim at all. Legal documents such as complaints have to observe certain formalities, although the rules are less strict now than they used to be.

"all other relief" is just boilerplate language in a complaint. you're reading too much into it.

I don't know who's advising Kesha but they are not a good lawyer. This strategy of fighting her legal battles on social media is going to lead her to ruin.

This is such a perfect object of internet outrage: "I'm offended by the lack of diversity in this shitty fantasy movie."

And Egyptian deities, any theories on what race they were?