
she did age him backwards though, the losing his powers after however is suspected to be a by-product of his evolution… or it could be a by-product of his aging… wait so then did he evolve because of what Kate did to him or…. WTF WE AREN'T EVEN SURE BECAUSE NOTHING WAS CONFIRMED.

lol so true about the PTSD, first i expected liam to go all IED on that beserker and never thought he was the character to become chicken cause some monster beat him up, it seemed like a plot device for the express reason of making scott and his friends look brave.

also they kinda dropped a bomb with the old woman alpha still being alive as we never really confirmed the life expectancy of werewolves.

the really bad part about this is that they foreshadowed the hell out of it, first they had the talk about him being in control, then the teeth and the dream of him killing liam and the whole more of a monster thing, yet it was seemingly solved in one episode where he was slashing up a guy then stopped (that guy

its different for me what pisses me off about scott is how uneven he is, he can become a true alpha, yet gets his arse kicked and basically just follows the lead/advice of his 'pack'.

OH YEA!, lol goes to show how this show just picks up plots just to let them slip away half way through

yea that was way too many shots even for someone who's not a big gun expert it literally just screamed at you that she was shooting way too much, but they did it because they thought it would convey how she felt.

that had me scratching my head a bit as well (claymore) but i let them get away with that one.

lets not forget about the whole grandma side plot that was an overly complicated clue to the music room and the basement being mountain ash lined, also did the mother really not ask her about how that mountain ash just lined up like that?

well we did have that time where Parrish was putting hit after hit into his fellow officer who tried to burn him alive and later said officer only had a black eye so i guess those punches had a minor healing effect :P, contact healing???, anyone????, no?

for one anyone realize that from season 1 female wolves were supposedly supposed to turn twice a month but in actuality this never happened.