One of my friends is 35 and pregnant. Apparently pregnancy at 35 is referred to as a geriatric pregnancy. She quickly asked that her OB never say that again.
One of my friends is 35 and pregnant. Apparently pregnancy at 35 is referred to as a geriatric pregnancy. She quickly asked that her OB never say that again.
Does she mean older for a tennis player? Because if so, that is accurate. I think her coach estimates she can probably pull off another 5 years if they time everything right.
Yep. This is exactly how it starts. We send the world’s best athletes to a disease-ridden country, get them infected then send them back home where they travel their respective countries waving their medals and diseases around.
This Olympics feels oddly like the beginning of World War Z. I read the book and don’t even remember how it starts, nor do I remember how the loosely-based movie begins. But for some reason I can’t helping associating the title with the upcoming Olympics.
Between that and the swimming in raw sewage I do not know how these Games are going on. I feel so bad for these athletes who have worked their whole lives for this moment and now have the choice of swimming in shit, getting Zika (a virus about which our “knowledge” changes almost daily), or give up the chance to live…
Telling pregnant women not to go won’t do shit when the virus is brought back home. It’s just so crazy.
Two rules to remember
I’m so glad you know better what is going on in my bedroom better than I do.
Yes. If I don’t respond to him just being like “heyyyy” and having a boner, that is me “turning him down” when really if he was just a little more up front and put in a little effort I’d be into it. So then it has to be me being like “HEY I WANT TO HAVE SEX NOW!” for it to happen. Which is frustrating.
Yes. I’ve experienced this and have had discussions with other hetero women saying pretty similar things. One friend has mentioned being turned down for sex by her husband. The women in our group all say that the husbands wait for the wives to initiate most of the time. Our theory is that they think they’re being…
This seems like a remarkably long-winded way to say “don’t let other people tell you how to have your own sex life.”
Every heterosexual female friend with whom I’ve had an honest conversation about sex has complained about wanting sex more than her partner, and that’s a problem in my own life too. Worse yet, thanks to the images we’re shown our entire lives about men wanting sex constantly, we often feel like something must be wrong…
I really want to have sex all the time until I realize how much work it entails, and then I suggest simply watching an episode of one of our favorite shows. Oh, and wine.
"just for now", "makes sense"…this is the reality. Never have sex.
There still seems to be a prevailing idea that motherhood is so fulfilling for women that they don't need anything more to be happy.
I think we have mentioned a time or two that we would like to paid and promoted the same as a man so that we can decide as partners which career should take precedence instead of society deciding for us.
Yeah, because life only consists of one variable, ambition. Its not like there is a complex array of variables when you enter a relationship.
Can you say that a little bit louder? I can't hear you all the way over there in your armchair.