
I managed to get into a lobby the night before they decided to shut down the demo (Thursday night I believe?). From what I played, it was fantastic. It wasn't laggy and I had a better feel for it than when I played it on the 360 (laggy). Though, it sucks that they didn't deliver on the demo, they just may deliver when

My little brother got me into it starting with the 2nd Dynasty Warriors on the PS2. It was fun for that half hour of hacking and slashing aimlessly. But for nostalgia sake, I'm very much considering picking up Samurai Warriors for the 3DS.

The ROC page is up and running now! Come check it out.

The page for ROC (Rochester, NY area) N3DS users be alive! Come check it out!

Great idea! Just meeting up in local spots (Lovin' Cup, Boulders Cafe, etc.) could possibly be ideal venues to gather.

It's funny that when Nintendo announced this feature for the 3DS, I was incredibly excited on the applications this could offer. But unfortunately (or is it fortunately), we don't live in a heavily condensed area where there are more chances to run into another 3DS user that happens to carry it around on them!

I wonder how small a ROC (Rochester, NY) Streetpass club would be. Maybe with the help of RIT tech savvy enthusiasts, this could be done! May I be one to suggest a gathering.

Ha ha, that picture made my day! Is that still Jake Gyllenhaal on the right??

And that was my justification of using my remaining credit on this gem! Fantastically addicting and intense.

Looks interesting, but I can't seem to find the Lite version. I wonder if they took it down temporarily.

That's sweet! I was a bit skeptical of it's worth when I played the game for the first time at the Best Buy kiosk, but this just looks plan fun now. Now, here's hoping Ridge Racer turns out to be worth it as well.

I'll be looking forward to this sale. Wouldn't mind dipping into PvZ again if the price is right.

Booo! I wanted to play this game sooner on my PS3. I've been holding out on buying it on my Xbox 360, namely for the fact that I don't know how much longer I want to keep it. Ah well, I'll have other games to occupy me til then.

Wow, up until now, I didn't think that Aqua Blue 3DS looked that great. Hmm, still not sure if I want to switch my preorder from Cosmo Black yet, as all my electronics are black (aside from my launch Wii and DSi).

Haha, I love it! I still have yet to finish Fantastic Mr. Fox, but it was pretty entertaining for the most part.

I'll definitely be doing so when I get back from my trip. Played that game multiple times and loved it's style, even when I was a kid back when it came out.

Yeah, same here. Made a sort of a click noise and stopped.

I would love to try my hand at Game Design as I have the utmost respect for those in the field. But the math heavy course load scares me as I was never great in math.

The RIT Tigers are more intimidating than this stud.

Represent! I'll be going there full time come fall '11. Wonder how the transition to the semester system will go in 2012...