
The two go hand in hand. Historical discrepancies in treatment and economic wealth have left most black people in this country at a disadvantage that chugs along into generations that follow them. At the same time, the spending trends, albeit less than white counterparts, does nothing to improve the inherited wealth

He can't see without his glasses :(

i was unironically waiting to see what happened next watching this episode.

Off topic, but trying to read this article on my iPad I was redirected to the App Store 2 different times for 2 different games (clash of clans and some other game I never heard of). I didn't click on anything. Check your ad networks for abuse please.

im guessing this doesn't affect orphan black? Which is an exclusive

Yea at the time this was posted they hadn't announced it was her older daughter. that's even more disheartening.

Never supported the show, but I did support the fact they chose to live a modest lifestyle while saving the money for the children's education. It is troubling that she could date a guy who was caught up in such a situation especially given her familial ties to the victim. Really don't care about whether or not they

part of the reason dave chappelle left his show was because he felt like a lot of people were missing the jokes, that they were laughing at the funny things but for the wrong reasons. such is the matter with comedy and anything else really, what you're saying, what you mean, and what people interpret are not always

Pretty sure Agents of SHIELD is on 9pm.

the Lost comparisons remind me of the ridiculousness of getting on another plane to get lost again "we gotta go back!"

Grown man sitting in front of a children's playground alone? yup, no problem with that.

What happened to that drone, did some kid just steal it?

people who believe the stuff on satire sites probably won't pay attention to a [satire] tag

Refused to work with him since American Wedding? They looked pretty cozy while promoting American Reunion, which they do have scenes together in

1st season. she lost her powers 1st season.

"I called that she would be casting a spell to transform into Rosalee" Juliette* but yeah, I think they foreshadowed that very blatantly

that movie was so messed up (the samaritan)

"She aims through the mirror and fires one shot, striking Chilton in the face, killing him instantly as Alana dives to the ground." part of the summary on the nbc site

the spin-off is about an entirely different group of people, different story, different kids.

As others have said, the only thing I think would've been an improvement is if they dedicated an entire hour to this concept to give it breathing room and more beats, rather than a zoom of the past 8 years in 1 half hour to be plotted on the course of 8 seasons of 20+ episodes. But other than that, bravo, this episode