
That ain’t ketchup, bro.

Totally. Born in '77 here and I grew up identifying with my older cousins and their New Wave music. I went to high school in the early 90s and yet was too young/sheltered to really take part in most of the "youth" culture of the era. When I got to college I hung out with a bunch of dyed-in-the-wool Xers 8-10 years

I was once treated to a Thanksgiving feast in the heart of Illinois farm country. Lovely people, perfectly good bird and other usual accoutrements. But then there was.... "salad." "Salad", you see, consisted of a chunk of iceberg lettuce, topped with rings of canned pineapple, a dollop of MAYONNAISE, and shredded

Word. Technically, all forms of organized gifting - registries, money trees, dollar dances, etc. are unacceptable. The stigma against giving cash in lieu of practical household gifts may have its roots in moralistic taboos against premarital cohabitation, but it evolved into a class bias. Dealing in cash is

"We had SO MUCH FUN making this movie!"

Truth. I grew up in California and now live in Upstate NY. I never even heard of a Reuben until I lived here.

"There are many people who are asexual who are speaking out for it to be okay to be sex neutral and sex repulsed and see that as a part of sex positivity."

Absolutely with regard to the comments on privilege and queer identification. As a cis, pan, kinky woman with a monogamish cishet male primary partner, we have SO much privilege compared to just about anyone in the LGBT+ spectrum. Even the thought of coming out as "bi" or trying to explain the concept of

I'm picking up an image.

Can confirm re: Binghamton. There is literally nothing fun or nice here. You can drive an hour to Ithaca to get decent food, but at the high price of suffering the most entitled hippies on the planet outside of the West Coast. I started out near Los Angeles and lived for three years in Chicago, and by god I miss

We were really into painting rocks when I was a kid. We'd gather up some rocks, wash the dirt off, and break out the tempera. My cousin had the idea, in the mid-80s, to make rocks that said "Ethiopia" and "Kenya" to honor the victims of famine. We laid out a bunch of rocks, including the Live Aid rocks, on our

I wrote a letter to Clinton right after the election in 92. I was in high school, so it was all of my thoughts about what would be good for the country. I got a photocopied postcard in response, and even though it wasn't a real response, I treasured it. I loved Clinton. Seven years later, he spoke at my college

She's older than fire, twice as hot, and not having any shit. My kinda woman.

I really think the fantasy of Chistian Grey has way more to do with the allure of wealth and status than the poorly written kink. It isn't the first time - other works of erotic fiction with heavy BDSM themes also set the action amid vast, vast levels of wealth and privilege. Which says to me two things: 1) There's

YES about being somewhat understanding that when you travel, you will be in a different place with different customs, and yes, different prices. I grew up in California, and like many Californians of their generation, my grandparents originally hailed from the Midwest. The concept of inflation and differences in

Hear, hear. I always go to work and my relationships are fine. But as an introvert, I find it very helpful to retire with multiple episodes of cheesy true crime shows and documentaries on things like rare diseases, religious extremism, and unsolved mysteries.

As Patton Oswalt said of his gf's tv habits: "The necklace was made entirely out of vaginas."

I love this story because when I was really little I had a habit of tossing travel-sized items in the cart and telling my grandmother that they were "free samples."

I was an awkward, chubby teenage girl (though, looking at pictures definitely not as fat as I thought I was at the time!), and so I was probably the one sitting in the back of the pottery class wishing the dork in the glasses had made the tie-dye mug for me. I did more than my fair share of hitting on guys who turned

I never said he wasn't. But he's MY douchebag, dangit!