nFamousCJ - Keeper of Stringbean, Gengars and a Deezul

My mom is awesome. She was also a big Magnum P.I. fan.

clearly you don’t know what spartan means either.

I think you are confusing Spartan with clean design.

Spartan means few or no comforts. My fathers old ‘68 International Harverster was “spartan”

The Tesla will have AirCond,Heated seats, infotainment sat-nav, a host of controls and settings, auto pilot, cell connectivity, customizable ambient lighting....etc. hardly

“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”

The 5 “breaks” in the silver ring right on the outermost diameter are fucking awful.

Hot take: The original Supra wheels are ugly and cheap looking.

I guess Group 4 is too small for them to worry about.

gtfo with that north dakota propaganda. nobody wants to be there.

Dakotas, ranked:

They say that a company’s social media presence is like the window into its soul.

Likely posted by someone who was immediately fired.

Yeah look at all of these damn showboating American cars.

Anyone a fan of the 1887 Corvette though?

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Counterpoint: Any billionaire who wears a shirt with the 80’s metal glam band Tesla on it is fucking awesome.

Yeah. Don’t let anybody tell you what you want.

The Volkswagen Atlas Tanoak Is The German Truck You Didn’t Know You Wanted Until Right Now

I can relate to cooking the brakes at this track. I did a track day here (see avatar pic) and did the same thing. Stepping on the brake pedal and have it slowly squish all the way to the floor is not fun. Still had to drive it home too. Boiled the brake fluid and turned the pads white. But like this article says,

world class museums and resturants, great sports teams. gorgeous public parks and beaches that only try to give you bacterial infections 43% of the time