3 ads before the first car and 3 more ads while just talking about the first car. I get your guys gotta keep the lights on and get paid but damn.
3 ads before the first car and 3 more ads while just talking about the first car. I get your guys gotta keep the lights on and get paid but damn.
In between between paragraph ads.
The 2nd gens are freaking tall go karts. A rev happy matchbox with a transmission that has no idea what to do so it just let's you rev to 6k like it's nothing before realizing it should have shifted once or twice by then.
Deflections also seem to be on top. Screen plays have always been big but the deflection artistry is amazing what we're seeing today.
New car smell? Black ice? Nah, muhfuggen Nestle Toll House chocolate chip cookies.
I kinda feel like the parking lot is part of their schtick. If I’m not mistaken their previous place was a similarly sized lot but had to kept dealing with constant theft.
Watched AvE on YouTube do some Dyson teardowns- the details and explanations of some of the stuff is incredible. Unlike the Dysons which are really good casting/molding and phenomenal marketing with subpar mechanical parts.
3.5 minutes, leaving the parking lot, whips it around hard enough to careen into one they have on display front and center.
But that stick on hood scoop though...
Had 2, they’re really worth $14. Both crapped out around 6 months and stopped reading/connecting the the ECU. All of the ones with that distinctive shape are the same just rebranded.
Had 2, they’re really worth $14. Both crapped out around 6 months and stopped reading/connecting the the ECU. All of…
What color are those rims? I could see them really popping and bringing out the green with a little more of a copper tint to them.
I feel like this is a little bit of keeping your cards close to your chest. Operation Burnt Frost was a nice display of what AEGIS is capable of.
Knew as soon as I saw the photo it was VA Beach. Driven by a few times, even stopped to take pictures the first time I noticed it. VB has some really strict rules and regulations when it comes to vehicles/boats/RVs/etc. Most are pretty dumb- others make a bit more sense (trying to maintain a certain appearance in…
Current apartment is 7 miles from work. Literally just looked at a house yesterday that’s 1.6 miles from work. I think being that close my DD would be my own two legs.
Oh god! BEER* not bear. Kinja won’t let me edit!!
I’m curious what the distance between the top row and far end endzone- awe nevermind it’s 150k bear pounding football fans. This will be entertaining.
Every time my father and I watch an Islanders home game on TV he has to point out how awful those neck wrencher seats are.
DA on Jalopnik?! What a day. And the top comments about cars in their other videos rather than “Wtf is this” ? Next we’re going to have a car link between Jalopnik and Necrogoblikon...