nFamousCJ - Keeper of Stringbean, Gengars and a Deezul

I can confirm that these accounts are TOTALLY true: I went to see Black Panther on Thursday night and as soon as I entered the theater, someone had the GALL to look me in the FACE and tell me “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.” Then they POINTED to the EXIT and said, “BLACK PANTHER IS ACTUALLY IN THE OTHER THEATER, THIS ONE IS

Well, they certainly couldn’t see him

Ford should have Cena this coming

Huh... I thought “Let’s Randomly Insult Musk For Our Weekly Boners” was on Wednesdays.

If there were anymore salt in this post, I’d need some pepper.

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.

What will feminists find to complain about next? Aren’t they running out of stuff?

what about the ticketing is unjustified? operating unsafe vehicles in an unsafe manner deserves a ticket. having a fart can muffler is a crime against humanity. doing burnouts is illegal, damaging the road by dragging body parts is illegal, driving a car that won’t pass inspection is illegal.

You are correct. Other than animal products, the only thing vegan food cannot contain is flavor.

this may be the worst picture of Gal Gadot in existence. Doesn’t she look like 50 in the screengrab?

It is OK to show bias. You show yours by only addressing the drugs. But the facts are, whether stated or implicit, that the wall is intended to stop/minimize illegal crossings by ‘aliens’ into the ‘States.

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

I’m in complete agreement with you. I do this all the time. I spot something and decide it’s not worth saving so I smash it more. Old lady’s house with the falling in porch, smashed. That old desk sitting by a uhaul, smash. That lawnmower looks like it don’t run right, smash. A person with late stage cancer, smash.

That was not what I expected. Enjoy your star.

thats a very muddy stuffed Charmander

This may be spurious, but I heard that Dodge’s marketing department had considered calling that color Statutory Grape back in the ‘70s.

I’d go with F8 Green, which looks hideous on the configurator, but sexy in real life.

There, I fixed it.