nFamousCJ - Keeper of Stringbean, Gengars and a Deezul

Again, this has what to do with Gizmodo? I can get the articles that are links to other Gawker sites but this is directly on Gizmodo. So please tell me how this is relative to Gizmodo.

Knew as soon as I saw the photo it was VA Beach. Driven by a few times, even stopped to take pictures the first time I noticed it. VB has some really strict rules and regulations when it comes to vehicles/boats/RVs/etc. Most are pretty dumb- others make a bit more sense (trying to maintain a certain appearance in

Current apartment is 7 miles from work. Literally just looked at a house yesterday that’s 1.6 miles from work. I think being that close my DD would be my own two legs.

My ‘90 F150 had one of these (in lieu of the 4x4 badge)

Yup, this is it. Sorry Gizmodo but I’m done. Actually no, Im not sorry. The constant shit show of articles post-gawker has become intolerable at this point. Claiming Angelina may be a Gizmodo fan so you can cover her breakup or the constant Trump bashing (I don’t care who anyone supports but Gizmodo is NOT a political

Oh god! BEER* not bear. Kinja won’t let me edit!!

I’m curious what the distance between the top row and far end endzone- awe nevermind it’s 150k bear pounding football fans. This will be entertaining.

Every time my father and I watch an Islanders home game on TV he has to point out how awful those neck wrencher seats are.

Now playing

DA on Jalopnik?! What a day. And the top comments about cars in their other videos rather than “Wtf is this” ? Next we’re going to have a car link between Jalopnik and Necrogoblikon...

I’d be guessing the performance/tour managers were getting some nasty phone calls from the insurance guys like “uh... that stage is going to weigh how much? and we’re going to suspend it over how many people?”

When you need a way to get to your boat.

This article made me turn AdBlock back on.

Gawker is bleeding over political posts too now. “Nobody has seen Trump without a jacket” Thanks Gizmodo.

If the video didnt cut away to another shot of them dancing every 3 seconds that would have been cool.

Actively charging Tesla stations are active lure pokestops. Problem solved.

I got 12 seconds in before I recognized the group doing the segment and realized how painfully annoying they are.

I never had much love for the Elio after one was brought out for display and every 30's seconds the comment “that will be changed for production”... 5 minutes into the review and 90% of the vehicle would be “changed for production” so what vehicle were we really watching a review of?

Va Beach town center has become a hot bed for Pokestops and crowds of individuals playing. I may or may not roll through with the top down on my car blaring this song for them.

Enigma and Nebula...

Is it bad Im way more excited for the Batman Lego Movie?