
And yet if someone had grilled Hillary about rigging the democratic primary, you’d be raging.

Yup. I clicked on this headline expecting to read about bigots killing another racist bigot, not racist bigots killing some (presumably) regular guy.

What don’t you understand about it?

Yet another idiot touting the brainless “you have to vote for this piece of shit, because the other shit is shittier”.

“almost anyone would be preferable to Trump” is an incredibly popular and incredibly dangerous line of thought. It’s not entirely untrue, but when the “almost anyone” that people most commonly seem to think should be our next President ‘won’ a rigged primary election and immediately rewarded the person who rigged it

I wish I could say I was dumbfounded by the idiotic manufactured outrage in the comments section of every post about Alexis, but it’s exactly the kind of garbage I’ve come to expect from the SJW political correctness police.

The term “mansplaining” is explicitly sexist because it is exclusively used derogatorily when a man is talking about anything that someone believes a man has no right to talk about (because of his gender).

I don’t need to “go read about blackface”, I’m familiar with the history, tyvm.

What does that have to do with anything?

Which I assume she wouldn’t have been employing...

There is absolutely no question that they intentionally misled their customers and essentially tricked them into buying a game that was a mere fraction of what was promised.

How would a white person cosplaying as a black character be insensitive, if a black person cosplaying as a white character isn’t?

Here’s a better headline:

Fuck Konami. Fuck Konami so much.

It’s sad that Jezebel is so generally pants-on-head retarded that I can’t even tell if this is a joke.

These people are slime. (The neighbors, not the trailer owner)

I don’t have a problem with the lack of multiplayer, I have a problem with blatantly and intentionally misleading their customers. That’s what this is about... and it’s a big, BIG deal.

Headline: “An Olympic Diving Team Has Broken Up Over an Alleged Fuck Fest”


When someone clearly and completely dominates a sport, they will inevitably be compared to past athletes who have clearly and completely dominated their own sports. This isn’t sexist, disrespectful, or indeed negative in any way.