Shouldn’t there be some sort of penalty for blatantly false, baseless takedown demands like this? Samsung knew they had absolutely no grounds to have that video taken down, but did it anyway.
Shouldn’t there be some sort of penalty for blatantly false, baseless takedown demands like this? Samsung knew they had absolutely no grounds to have that video taken down, but did it anyway.
Trump “threatens to undermine our democracy”, and Clinton already has. You forget about the rigged primary? Seriously, I hate Trump as much as pretty much everyone else but you’d have to be a fool to think that Clinton isn’t doing (and won’t continue to do) far more damage to our democracy than he is.
Well, considering it hasn’t killed (or even injured) a single person so far, I’d say they’re off to a good start.
It’s funny because white people aren’t regularly murdered by the police for no reason!
They’re building the game they want to build, not building a game to hit a release date.
A bunch of douchebags (no offense) being shaken down by a bunch of con artists. Or, rather, the most powerful gang in the country that works for the con artists.
It’s the most clear-cut and obvious case of criminal bait-and-switch false advertising in a recent major game release. Probably ever.
This is moronic and pretentious faux-art. There’s plenty of that to go around.
Rigging the democratic primary election is, in a way, far worse than ANYTHING Trump has done. Seriously, how can you vote for someone who has already deliberately undermined the democratic process?
I hope every team they ever play against makes sure they have at least one girl on their team.
A police officer on-duty doesn’t have ANY constitutional rights. Full stop.
You guilted the man you love--the man who loves you--into marriage.
This current generation of cops needs to be gone through with a fine-tooth comb, and probably no less than half of them fired. I know, I know, “most cops aren’t bad”, but you know what I call those who look the other way and cover for the bad cops? More fucking bad cops. And that’s the majority.
There are a lot of people who actually care about things like “intentionally undermining the democratic process to rig a primary election”.
What is this obsession with the word “cuck”?
Is it a completely alien concept to you that hunting license fees for exotic animals are used to protect the species?
Well, did he poach the cheetah or did he legally spend a SHITTON of money (that goes directly towards conservation efforts) for one of extremely few legally issued hunting licenses?
That fucking piece of shit needs to read the goddamn Constitution.
Murderers need to be brought to justice. If the law won’t do it, the people need to.
“Better than a woman becoming president”